Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Is It Right for Vegans to Eat Honey

Animal rights activists and vegans are faced with a kind of dilemma when it comes to honey. Since vegans don’t include anything other than plant-based foods to meet their nutritional needs, honey is (at least in theory) off the menu. But its not that simple: many vegans argue that there are excellent reasons for eating honey. While it’s true that bees are not killed for their honey, hard-core vegans argue that because honey comes from bees and bees are animals,  honey is an animal product  and therefore not vegan. It’s the product of exploitation of an animal, which makes it an animal-rights issue. On the other hand, many argue that other forms of sweetener and virtually all forms of agriculture involve the killing of insects; in fact, keeping bees and eating honey may cause less pain and fewer bee deaths than avoiding honey. What Is Honey? Honey is made out of flower nectar by honey bees, in a  two-step process  involving two types of bees: older worker bees and young hive bees. Thousands of bees work together to produce hundreds of pounds of honey over the course of a year. The older worker bees gather nectar from flowers and swallow it. The bees then regurgitate the nectar when they return to the hive and the younger bees swallow it. The younger bees then regurgitate it into a cell of the honeycomb and fan the honey with their wings to dry it before capping it with beeswax. The  purpose  of turning nectar into honey is to store the sugars to be consumed in the future. The bees convert the nectar to honey because nectar would ferment if it were stored. Why Dont Some Vegans Eat Honey? Keeping bees  for commercial or hobby purposes violates the bees rights to be free of human exploitation. As with  companion animals  or  other farmed animals, breeding, buying, and selling animals violates the animals rights to live  free of human use and exploitation,  and bees are commercially bred, bought and sold. In addition to  keeping bees, taking their honey is also exploitative. While beekeepers will say that they leave plenty of honey for the bees, the honey belongs to the bees. And, when more honey is needed for the beekeeper to make a profit, they may not leave plenty of honey behind for the bees. They may, instead, leave behind a substitute, basically, sugar water, which is not nearly as rich in nutrients as the honey. Furthermore, some bees are killed every time the beekeeper smokes the bees out of their hive and takes their honey. These deaths are an additional reason to boycott honey; even if no bees were killed during honey collection, the exploitation of the bees would, for some vegans, be reason enough. Bees and Animal Rights While  experts disagree  as to whether insects feel pain, studies have shown that some insects  avoid negative stimuli  and have a  more complex social life  than previously believed. Because insects may be sentient and it costs us practically nothing to respect their rights and avoid insect products like honey,  silk,  or  carmine, vegans abstain from insect products. There are, however, some self-described vegans who do eat honey and argue that  insects are killed in other types of agriculture, so they are reluctant to draw the line at honey. Pure vegans point out the line between intentional exploitation and incidental killings, and beekeeping falls into the former category.   The Other Side of the Argument But do vegans necessarily have to avoid honey? Surprisingly Michael Greger, M.D, one of the leaders of the animal rights movement and a well-respected author, physician and vegan nutrition specialist writes in his blog for  Satya, â€Å"A certain number of bees are undeniably killed by honey production, but far more insects are killed, for example, in sugar production. And if we really cared about bugs we would never again eat anything either at home or in a restaurant that wasn’t strictly organically grown—after all, killing bugs is what pesticides do best. And organic production uses pesticides too (albeit â€Å"natural†). Researchers measure up to approximately 10,000 bugs per square foot of soil — that’s over 400 million per acre, 250 trillion per square mile. Even â€Å"veganically† grown produce involves the deaths of countless bugs in lost habitat, tilling, harvesting and transportation. We probably kill more bugs driving to the gro cery store to get some honey-sweetened product than are killed in the product’s production.† Hes also concerned that over-zealous vegans will turn off a lot of potential new vegans because it makes our movement look radical if even bees (bugs) are considered sacred. He makes the point that most non-vegan, self-titled animal lovers may be persuaded to adopt a vegan diet if we appeal to their love of animals. But forcing new vegans to give up honey may be going a little too far. Dr. Greger makes a good point when he says that for every potential vegan we lose because of our rigidity, millions of food animals continue to suffer because that would-be vegan has decided its just too weird or complicated to try a vegan diet and, after all, inertia is so much easier.   Colony Collapse  Disorder Scientists are still trying to sort out the mysterious problem of Colony Collapse Disorder. Bees are dying at an alarming rate, and entomologists are finding dead bees and mostly unpopulated hives in all parts of the country. From an animal rights standpoint, it’s imperative that this catastrophic state of affairs be sorted out before more animals die. From the standpoint of a human being who depends upon agriculture to put food on the table, it’s essential this problem be solved since bee pollination is what makes plants grow. Ethical Beekeepers But what if we could solve the problem of CCD and create a vegan honey that’s ethical enough for even  hard-core vegans to approve at the same time? If you are a vegan who likes a little honey with your hot tea, you may be in luck. Ethical, organic and enlightened beekeepers are starting to challenge the status quo and in the process, may be helping to put a stop to CCD by starting up new colonies and keeping a close eye on them. In an article published in Elephant Journal, a website about enlightened living; writer and beekeeper Will Curley argues that keeping bees can be non-exploitative whether you are profiting from their honey or not. He writes: â€Å"As with all things, there are shades of gray in the morality of producing and eating honey. Not all honey is cruelly produced, nor is all honey ethically produced. The important thing is that  some  beekeepers consistently put their bees and the health of the environment first.† If you want to help the effort to restore the population of honeybees to pre-CCD numbers but don’t want an actual hive of your own, the USDA recommends the following solutions the general public can implement. Plant lots of bee-friendly plants that make bees happy. A quick Google search for plants that thrive in your area will help you make a list. Also, avoid using pesticides as much as possible, opting for organic gardening and using â€Å"friendly bugs† to devour the harmful bugs.

Sunday, December 22, 2019

Bipolar Disorder Symptoms And Symptoms - 831 Words

Bipolar Disorder Definition A disorder associated with mood swings ranging from depressive lows to manic highs. Formerly called manic depression. When a client becomes depressed, he or she may feel sad or hopeless and lose interest or pleasure in most activities. Bipolar disorder is a disruptive long-term condition, clients can keep his or her mood swings in check by following a strict treatment plan. Causes Biological differences: people with bipolar disorder appear to have physical changes in his or her brain; Neurotransmitters: an imbalance in naturally occurring brain chemical called neurotransmitters seem to play a significant role in bipolar disorders and other mood disorders; Inherited traits: more common in people who have a first†¦show more content†¦Treatment Initial treatment- start taking medications to balance mood immediately; continued treatment- lifelong treatment even when he or she feels better; day treatment programs- provide support and counseling to get feelings under control; substance abuse programs- difficult to manage bipolar disorder with other problems; hospitalization- getting psychiatric help at a hospital can help keep the client calm and safe and stabilize his or her mood Medications Mood Stabilizers: Lithium (Lithobid), valproicacid (Depakene), dival proex sodium (Depakote), carbamazepine (Tegretol), Lamstrigine (Lamictal) Antipsychotics: Olanzapine (Zyprexa), Risperidone (Risperdal), Quetiapine (Seroquel), Ariprazoe (Abilify), Ziprasidone (Geodon), Lurasidone (Latuda), Asenapine (Saphris) Anti-Depressants: Vortioxetine (Brintellix), Imipramine (Tofranil) Nortriptyline (Pamelor) Antianxiety: Benzodiazepines Psychotherapy: Cognitive behavioral therapy: identifying

Saturday, December 14, 2019

Analysis of Data Mining Free Essays

ITKM Analysis of Data Mining The article Data Mining by Christopher Clifton analyzed how different types of data mining techniques have been applied in crime detection and different outcomes. Moreover, the analysis proposed how the different data mining techniques can be used in detection of different form of frauds. The analysis gave the advantages and disadvantages of using data mining in different operation. We will write a custom essay sample on Analysis of Data Mining or any similar topic only for you Order Now The major advantage was that data mining enables analysis of large quantities of data. This is important since such data cannot be analyzed manually since the data is often complex for humans to understand. However, data mining techniques have been used for deceitful purposes such as inappropriate disclosure of private information. The article analyzed different data mining techniques. Predictive modeling is one such technique used in estimation of particular target attribute. Descriptive modeling was another technique, which entails dividing data into groups. The other techniques described include pattern mining used in identification of rules relating to different data pattern and anomaly detection, which entails determining the unusual instances that, may arise when using the different data-mining model. ) What is the title and what was the objective of the study/analysis) The title of the article was data mining. The article focused on skills in knowledge discovery can be used in analysis of large volumes of data sets. According to the article, data mining was invented about one and a half decades ago due to the advances in artificial intelligence. Discovery of expert system, geneti c algorithms, neural networks, and machine leaning led to develop ways to adapt these schemes and use them for data mining purposes. Related article: What Business Can Learn From Text Mining The objective of the article was to give a history of data mining, the different types of data mining and the application of data mining in different fields such as business, scientific research, as well as by security agents in detection of crimes and terrorist activities (Clifton Web). Regarding the history of data mining, the article stated that data mining was first implemented in credit card fraud detection. The 2) What data mining algorithm was used (i. e. cluster analysis, decision tree, neural network, other) and describe the algorithm? The analysis used both decision tree algorithm and clustering algorithm. By using decision tree algorithm, the information regarding data mining techniques was grouped by making use of predefined knowledge. The analysis entails description of different crime detection techniques. Moreover, the most appropriate technique for detection of different types of crimes was suggested based on the profitability of using any single technique. Using clustering technique, the data was divided into different groups to obtain certain patterns. Such pattern included classification to data mining techniques based on their uses. This was used to develop ways in which the different techniques can be applied in business (Clifton Web). 3) What was the outcome of the analysis, and how did it benefit the business, if there was a benefit? The analysis identified the various data mining techniques, their applications, strengths and weaknesses. The analysis was important to the business world. For example, the analysis on use of data mining in detection of credit card fraud identified the challenges involved on the process. This was crucial since it gave insights on how different techniques can be developed to make data mining more effective in credit card fraud detection. Another reason why the analysis was important to the business world was that it analyzed the different data mining approaches such as predictive modeling, descriptive modeling, pattern mining, and anomaly detection. The analysis explained how the different techniques work. Moreover, the analysis was crucial since it provided insights on how different techniques can be used in detection of fraud crime in different types of business transaction. Moreover, it highlighted the shortcoming on the different techniques. This is crucial since it provided intuitions on areas that can be improved to make the techniques more effective (Clifton Web). An additional reason why the analysis was important is that it pinpointed the issues that arise when using data mining techniques in fraud detection. One such issue is privacy concern. This was crucial since it gave insights on how the business world can continue using data mining techniques to combat crime without risking loss of reputation. Moreover, the companies can use data mining for fraud detection crimes while making less error such as those of biasness (Clifton Web). Conclusion Data mining has undergone modification with technological advancement. Data mining play a great role in enabling detection of problems such as frauds. This is because it enables analysis of large and complex quantities of data. In the article about data mining, Clifton used both decision tree and cluster analysis to assess the different types of data mining. By using decision tree, the author group data mining based on the techniques used. By using clustering, the data was grouped to obtain certain patterns. The analysis was important to business world since it provided insights on how the different data mining techniques work. Works Cited Clifton, Christopher. â€Å"data mining . † Encyclopedia Bratanicca (n. d. ): 1-3. Web. . How to cite Analysis of Data Mining, Essay examples

Friday, December 6, 2019

Philippine Journalist free essay sample

Time Context – October 20, 1972 (History and start of the experience of the company under martial law) 2. View Point – Mr. Eduardo B. Olaguer (Chairman of the Board and CEO) 3. Major Policy Statement The Philippine Journalist Inc. , is a publishing company of group of journal such as People’s journal, Journal Tonight etc. it is known for local and international standards in publishing journals, and aims to equal other company not only locally but also to other parts of the world by the following years to come. 4. Current Operational Policies Management – As what the case shows, Poor management that resulted in many problems for the company especially in the event of the Martial Law. b. Marketing – The PJI is a company known for publishing different kinds of journal, which is why advertising is not a big issue that need to be discussed. Well in their case, because of the martial law perhaps this was the greatest hindrance to the future plans of the company. c. Finance – From the history of the company, it has shown the poor level of stocks of the company. This is mainly because of the Martial law that resulted to much more problems such as: unavailability of stocks, no transfer of book and no stock certificates were issued at that time. d. Operations – The operations of the business was normal ever since the martial law started. Publishing different journals not only locally but also internationally. e. Human resources – The company shows basic information about the structure of a business enterprise that compose the top, middle management and the rank and file. Statement of the Problem – How will the PIJ resolve the DBP loan exposure and what are the steps to be undertaken to prevent things like this to happen again? 6. Statement of Objectives a. Short-term objectives i. To be able to balance the assets of the company that will suffice to its liabilities ii. To solve the negative book value of some particular shares iii. To adjust the style of the management in handling situations specially about the stocks and lease issues b. Long-term objectives i. To elucidate the DBP loan exposure ii. To prosecute Mr Benjamin Romualdez for what he has done iii. To lessen the liabilities and maximize revenues and assets 7. SWOT Analysis a. Strengths i. It is Known for publication of different local and international journals ii. It is a well-established company in the industry of printing press which is widely known in the country iii. Capability to set standards that is accepted in the international community b. Weaknesses i. Poor management of the entire company ii. Lack of forecasting that lead to many unforeseen expenses iii. Cannot allocate properly the resources of the company c. Opportunity i. Positive credibility from the public ii. Ability to come back from the losses incurred and solve the DBP loan exposure iii. Continuously function of the business d. Threats i. Unable to completely manage the assets which leads to higher liabilities ii. Actions of the government which may lead to foreclosure of the business iii. Negative aura caused by the DBP loan exposure to both the public and private sector (e. g. banks) 8. Alternative courses of action a. Evaluation of the current situation of the company: its position in the market, assets and liabilities and structure of management to see the problems and solve it step by step. b. Lessen any more loans to be able to pay the current problem such as DBP loan exposure c. Give importance to the DBP loan exposure and keep other things in bay to solve it asap 9. Analysis of Alternatives By extensive evaluation of the company, it can understand what are the things that needs to be change or improve for the betterment of the business and be able to solve all the current problems of it such as the DBP loan exposure b. This will mitigate the possibility to gain more liabilities and be able to concentrate on paying the current loans of the company c. This can be the best solution for the company because all of this thing evolve on that problem the DBP loan exposure 10. Decision statement – ACA 1 a. The in-debt evaluation can be the beacon to the development of the business and even solve the biggest problem of the firm. 11. Proposed operational plans a. Management – Open the company for a new set of employees to gain the manpower which can help I solving the problems of the business b. Marketing – Continue to pursue high standards to pool more revenues that may be used for the debt and development of the company c. Finance – For the mean time mitigate any loans that the company plans on doing to concentrate all the assets and revenues to the DBP loan exposure . Operations – As a publishing company, production output is very important which is why increasing the capacity of the firm while maintaining its cost is the best way to generate more income and this will result to increase market share of the company. e. Human resource – These resources are very important in some business. Specifically in this business which handles the decision making (also became the reason of the DBP loan exposure), oversee of the entire operations of the company (top management) and maintaining the standards of the journals (rank and file) 12. Implementation program With the use of ACA 1 it can help the business get back on its feet from the DBP loan exposure and other problems. Also, the proposed operational plans can be of help in mitigating any future problems and development of the business if followed and carefully implemented. 13. Other recommendation and conclusion a. Continue to pursue and understand the ACA 1 for being the best solution to solve the problems of PJI Inc. b. For the interest of both the government and the PJI, continuous transparency will help in preventing any misunderstanding that can cause more problems.

Friday, November 29, 2019

Capital Ones Essay Example

Capital Ones Paper The Falls Church Virginia based company started the jump from a regional bank leader to a credit card industry leader when cofounders Richard Fairbank and Nigel Morris began their unique try-it-then-track approach. They believed that using a one-size-fits-all marketing strategy was outdated and began using information to tailor specific products to specific consumers for regional Signet Bank in 1988. Fairbank and Morris believed that with pricing, fees, balance limits and other options, they could tailor a card to a specific consumer whether they were high risk or pure platinum. This new strategy became so successful that the credit card division spun off to form the corporation Capital One in 1994. Marketing Environment Buying power defined as total personal after-tax income available to spend on goods and services, went up for most Americans in the 1990s. (Table 1: U.S. Population by Race, Buying Power and Income) This prompted a national buying spree. But with a slower economic environment in 2000 and 2001, many people were struggling to make their monthly payments. Credit card delinquency began to rise, with an industry average of over 6.4%. However, rather than using blanket formulas when issuing cards, which most credit card issuers were doing, Capital One kept a tight rein by offering their customers lower credit. They were also requiring well-balanced credit ratings. Maintaining this cautious fiscal policy through the years has helped Capital One achieve an annual charge-off rate of only 4.42%, the lowest rate of any major lender. We will write a custom essay sample on Capital Ones specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Capital Ones specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Capital Ones specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer The overall conservative lending practices of Capital One prove that they are knowledgeable with how to protect the bottom line at a time when more and more consumers are concerned that credit card companies are not doing enough to protect their security. Since September 11 consumers are willing to give up some privacy for the sake of increased security. This is an opportunity for Capital One to establish increased security as a marketing tool to ease consumers fears. With the American publics increased debt, growing pressure on household budgets and the increase in cost of living, credit cards are obviously deemed a convenient way for consumers to acquire short-term loans. (Table 2: Average Credit Card Rates) In this country, credit card use spreads across race lines with over half of all Americans carrying some form of plastic. (Table 3: Card Ownership by Ethnicity) With expectations of low rates and flexible payments along with the convenience of being able to use their cards in conventional stores, over the phone and on-line, credit cards have become a norm when it comes to buying and purchasing all kinds of goods. Capital One is integrated in a very competitive industry. Citigroup, MBNA America, First USA/Bank One and Discover are listed as major competitors who use a variety of ways to market their credit cards. By focusing on brand strategy, affinity marketing (when a card company gives customers the opportunity to get a card from an entity that means something to them) or an information-based strategy, each takes a slightly different approach in attracting new customers. (Table 4: Estimated Credit Card Market Share-4Q01) Strategy Capital Ones business mission is founded in its core competency. Leveraging information to create the right product for the right customer at the right time is its mainstream objective. Company co-founder Richard Fairbank says the company is really a marketing company that happens to market credit cards. Capital One clearly makes their marketing objectives and goals known. Through the best technology money can buy, the company continues to harness information to target specific customers with specific products. They seek customers across the credit spectrum through mass customization of products that meet peoples individual needs and wants. They strive to offer divergent product lines that deliver value to a wide range of customers. By concentrating on the latter, Capital One will test many products over and over again to make sure the right cards are offered to their customers. For example, In 1994 Capital One ran 230 product tests. Six years later, the company reportedly ran 42,000. Example tests ranged from finding out if consumers responded better to blue or white envelopes to whether a fisherman would make his payments on time if his credit card featured a fishing motif. Because of such testing dedication, Capital One offers 6,000 kinds of credit cards and 12,000 products today, distributed through different channels with slightly different pricing, pitches and packages. Capital Ones product evolution dates back to being the first credit card company ever to offer temporary low percentage balance transfer rates. However, even though this campaign was so successful with increasing its customer database and creating many imitators, customers jumped to another credit card company when the introductory rate had expired, looking to keep a standard low rate. Recognizing this as a negative impact on sales, Capital One abandoned their transfer campaign and instead appealed to the same demographic with a new locked low rate card. Organization Capital One is constantly reinventing itself. Each year 75% of what the company markets to customers is new products. Keeping up with their competitors Capital One is always fine tuning its products and discovering new ways to market them. The core of Capital Ones organizational philosophy is Customer Service Marketing (CSM). Each product is created and tested by an internal team consisting of Operations, Information Technology and Marketing. These teams work together as cross-functional units to ensure collaboration for every product rollout. Without this 3 Man Team the perfect product would never be found for their customers. Taking a more scientific approach to marketing, Capital One empowers this 3 Man Team to develop new product ideas that are tested and potentially worked into their product line. Every idea starts with one or a series of tests. If the product passes the test Capital One prepares it with efficiency and ease. The flow of information between IT and the business side and the customer is constant, says Jim Donehey, Capital Ones chief information officer. The feedback from constant testing allows the company to reevaluate their success and productivity along with their products. Capital Ones day-to-day operations are not based on systems projects, but more business projects where everybody works together. Capital One also divides their marketing department into three segments: building brand equity, growing the business and targeting emerging markets. These three areas are overseen by the following: William J. McDonald, SVP: Brand Management: In a position created in 1998 to develop a brand identity and clear up consumer confusion over the companys name, McDonald joined the firm. His responsibilities include the marketing, advertising and global brand positioning of Capital Ones businesses. Peter Schnall, SVP, Marketing and Analysis: For the U.S. business, Schnall is responsible for the marketing, credit policy and portfolio management of Capital Ones credit card business. Larry Klane, EVP, Marketing and Analysis: In identifying overlooked demographics, Klane is responsible for Capital Ones young adult business, underserved businesses, and new business development. One of Capital Ones organizational strengths is the strong configuration between marketing, sales and information technology. Capital One is by far the best from an information-based marketing standpoint. They are world class in their ability to generate insights on consumers, according to Bob Zizka, Managing Vice President of First Manhattan Consulting Group. The Bottom Line In 2001 Capital One reported annual profits of $642 million on a net income of $6.8 billion. For each of the past ten years, Capital One has exceeded earnings and predicts growth of 21.6% in 2002 and 20.2% in 2003. (Table 5: Capital One Revenue Trend, Table 6: Capital One Earning Progression) This growth can be directly attributed to its marketing strategy, with a budget of over $1 billion. (Table 7: Capital One Financial Earning Model) Because of aggressive marketing tactics and an innovative information based strategy, Capital Ones success continues with a new account growth rate of 20-30%. Marketing Systems Capital One receives more than one million phone calls each week. Before the caller hears the first ring, high-speed computers swing into action. With meticulous data on the customers household and their spending habits, the computer predicts the reason for the call and routes it to the correct customer service representative 70% of the time. This transaction takes place in approximately 100 milliseconds. This $10 million system is referred to as Information Based Strategy or IBS, a proprietary information system that enables the company to create products for appropriate customers and to ensure that their needs are being serviced efficiently. Using IBS to generate constant innovation, Capital One links its database to prize-winning information technology and highly sophisticated analytics to scientifically test ideas. The results of these tests tell Capital One how to market and tailor products to the individual customer. A FORTUNE 500 company, Capital One is one of the major financial services providers on the Internet, offering instant approval, online account decisions, online retail deposits and a growing number of customers serviced online. In fact, in 2001, the company acquired 1.4 million new accounts from their web site alone. Many in the financial industry refer to Capital One as a cutting edge company for the information age. Because of its progressive efforts in informational technology, customer inquiries and information are a priority. The success of the IBS system can be seen in the fact that half of all customers buy something other than credit cards from Capital One in the first year. With call representatives empowered to sell and adjust rates and fees, Capital Ones call representative are their front line sales force. The company continuously experiments with different programs and products along with reinventing telemarketing scripts to keep their sales force intuitive when on the phone with a customer. These scripts help Capital One tailor its offerings to fit a potential customer scripts they know will make customers happy with the Capital One Credit Card. Whats unique about Capital Ones customer service department is that their sales force is not measured on actual sales, but are judged on t heir ability to meet the customers needs. A system like this is a first in the credit card industry. Capital One reaches out to the consumers desire to make smart decisions about credit cards and loans through scientific well-researched methods. Knowing the customers spending habits, Capital One offers programs directed at a very specific audience. Targeting a wide range of customers across the country and with a growing international presence, Capital One has room to grow as more than a leading financial services company. Stretching to auto loans, home loans, and insurance will help increase profit and recognition. Capital One reaches prospective customers through 300,000 million direct mail pieces each quarter. Even though it is stated that direct mail pieces generate only a .6% response, Capital One gains a majority of new customers through this useful distribution tool. Capital Ones use of mail can also be seen in their strategic business partnerships. Billing inserts promote companies such as JCPenney, Liberty Mutual and EarthLink. Late in the fall of 2001 Capital One unveiled its now familiar television advertising campaign, Whats in Your Wallet created by advertising agency DMBB. This campaign was created as a brand strategy technique to build an identity for the low-profile company. There isnt a day that goes by that you dont see a Capital One advertisement, but there is more than just television to make the company stand out. Boasting 3 of the top 10 banner impressions on the Internet, they delve into a multitude of advertising outlets attracting customers through specials and deals relative to their lifestyle. (Table 8 and 9: Top 10 banners viewed from home and work) Capital One always makes a statement that meets customers expectations. Conclusion The $600 Billion credit card industry is one that has been revolutionized by the use of integrated marketing. Capital Ones ever-changing strategy of mass customization of products and pitches along with their continued conservative fiscal policy will be crucial for their continued success. The company continues to grow its U.S. and international credit card business and looks to broaden their product offerings with loans, insurance and potentially car sales. Capital One feels they can apply their strategy to any form of business because customers are finding what they need in a credit card company and are happy with the results. According to company co-founder Richard Fairbank, This is not about credit cards. This is about changing the world.

Monday, November 25, 2019

Free Essays on Ludwig Beethoven

The rise of Ludwig van Beethoven into the rank of history's greatest composers was paralleled by and in some ways a consequence of his own personal tragedy and despair (Internetpg. 1). Beethoven's family was of the Flemish origin. His mother, Maria Magdalena, died after a long illness when Beethoven was only 17. He was not the only child in this family though. He had 2 brothers and 1 sister, both to which were disorganized and unruly. His family was always in constant need of funds. (The World1963) Beethoven showed his extraordinary musical talent at an early age. His father hoped he could induce his child's development and make him more like Mozart, and possibly bring in some money for the family which was desperately in need. (The World-1963) As a child, Beethoven never was too interested in music even though he had the talents. Both his father and grandfather were experienced musicians and wanted him to be one also. At the age of four, Beethoven's father began to teach him the violin and piano, but wasn't successful in doing so because of his addiction to alcohol. His training was soon taken over by his father's friend, Pfeiffer, but also, because of alcoholism, his lessons were just as irregular as before. Later, his grandfather's friend taught him until he resigned in 1781 and Beethoven's tuition was taken over by Van der Eeden's successor, Christian Neefe. This man was not only a good teacher, but also a friend. (The World-1963; Sally Patton-pg.73) Beethoven's first composition was published in 1783. Then, in 1784 he attained his first independent position of a court organist and violinist, and in 1787 he was sent to Vienna to study. Here, he had the opportunity to play for Mozart who liked the work of Beethoven and told his friends "Watch that young man." (Sally Patton-pg.73). Beethoven studied with a man by the name of Joseph Haydn, but it didn't work for very long because they couldn't get along. He began to study... Free Essays on Ludwig Beethoven Free Essays on Ludwig Beethoven The rise of Ludwig van Beethoven into the rank of history's greatest composers was paralleled by and in some ways a consequence of his own personal tragedy and despair (Internetpg. 1). Beethoven's family was of the Flemish origin. His mother, Maria Magdalena, died after a long illness when Beethoven was only 17. He was not the only child in this family though. He had 2 brothers and 1 sister, both to which were disorganized and unruly. His family was always in constant need of funds. (The World1963) Beethoven showed his extraordinary musical talent at an early age. His father hoped he could induce his child's development and make him more like Mozart, and possibly bring in some money for the family which was desperately in need. (The World-1963) As a child, Beethoven never was too interested in music even though he had the talents. Both his father and grandfather were experienced musicians and wanted him to be one also. At the age of four, Beethoven's father began to teach him the violin and piano, but wasn't successful in doing so because of his addiction to alcohol. His training was soon taken over by his father's friend, Pfeiffer, but also, because of alcoholism, his lessons were just as irregular as before. Later, his grandfather's friend taught him until he resigned in 1781 and Beethoven's tuition was taken over by Van der Eeden's successor, Christian Neefe. This man was not only a good teacher, but also a friend. (The World-1963; Sally Patton-pg.73) Beethoven's first composition was published in 1783. Then, in 1784 he attained his first independent position of a court organist and violinist, and in 1787 he was sent to Vienna to study. Here, he had the opportunity to play for Mozart who liked the work of Beethoven and told his friends "Watch that young man." (Sally Patton-pg.73). Beethoven studied with a man by the name of Joseph Haydn, but it didn't work for very long because they couldn't get along. He began to study...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Operations management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Operations management - Essay Example Some brands offer luxury other offers sturdiness. The presence of company in different countries also creates many problems. The operations of Toyota are susceptible to political and economic fluctuations. Because of the dispersed manufacturing the company faces different problems in different countries. The problem of competitors and safety issues rise regularly. The recent safety issues with Toyota cars caused significant financial issues to the company. There are issues regarding location of retail showrooms and supply chain management issues. The company follows Just in Time inventory system (JIT) in which management of supplies is extremely important. Also with different safety rules, manufacturing regulations, tax legislations and environment concerns in different countries Toyota faces many operational challenges and this paper will discuss these challenges with great detail. The strategies to address these issues will also be discussed in the paper. These possible solutions m ight help Toyota Motor Company solve its operational problems. Key Operational Challenges faced by Toyota The automobile industry all over the world is facing problems due to economic recession and environmental concerns. Toyota faces multifaceted problems due to its presence all over the world. Design issues, pricing and product development issues are the main operational challenges Toyota is facing today. ... 2005). Usually there are teams that work on new products as a whole but in Toyota teams work on subsystems like hardware, software and suppliers. Then all these subsystems are combined to form a new product. In this way the development process is speeded. The problem in this system arises with regards to the suppliers. Product development cannot be completed if suppliers are not equipped to supply different parts that are needed to develop the new product. For this reason supplier development is also necessary. This is an operational challenge for Toyota as it is very difficult for development teams and suppliers to be on the same page. Suppliers are to be trained and they should be equipped with proper technology in order to ensure that they are able to meet the demands of the newly developed product. This is a serious challenge for Toyota. Because of supplier issues inventories of Toyota are increasing and storage cost is also hiking even though Toyota is famous for its Just in Tim e inventory system (JIT). Toyota will have to rely on suppliers because it is not feasible to develop everything on their own but supply chain management issues are also a major challenge even for a big company like Toyota. Complexity Problems in Toyota The complex products of Toyota are a problem. The manufacturing units are dispersed all over the world and because of this sophisticated technology have to be made available everywhere. Alongside making complex products for its diverse clientele Toyota also has to manage its worldwide sale. The complexity problem becomes an operational issue when a car is developed and the technology used in the car is not available in some of the manufacturing countries. Now in order to make similar cars in those countries the technology is required

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Overcoming Shyness Via Writing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Overcoming Shyness Via Writing - Essay Example This granted me the ability to edit my thoughts and create much more informative or effective thought patterns that I often translated into effective verbal speeches. More importantly, the exercises and assignments in this course gave me an opportunity to improve myself as an analytical writer. That is because the exercises and assignments demanded that I have a thorough understanding of the topic offered up for discussion. As a writer, this class helped me improve my brain functions as well as my written and spoken speech skills. I had no idea before attending this class that there were so many different writing styles available to people. Oftentimes, I would just use the normal, everyday practice of writing notes or using text messaging when communicating with others. Through this class, I learned how to express myself through the written word in different styles. Which I will admit, made me seem like a more interesting person than I actually was. I also learned that using different styles for different occasions signifies a high sense of respect and value that one has for the person I am communicating with. Not being a native speaker of the English language, I will have to admit that the topics being discussed in class, and assigned for the written assignments were somewhat alien to me. That unfamiliarity proved to be a problem for me as the class progressed because I needed to spend quite some time familiarizing myself with the topics up for discussion. However, I will admit that this challenge also proved to be beneficial to me because it helped me improve my writing styles and skills. I learned how to write in a specific style depending upon a specific writing format and also the kind of information that I needed to present.  

Monday, November 18, 2019

A brief critical analysis of Asymmetric reactions to work group sex Article

A brief critical analysis of Asymmetric reactions to work group sex diversity among men and women, by Chatman & OReilly (2004), Academy of Management Journal, Vol.47, No.2, 193 208 - Article Example male dominated work environment, while women were more likely to be democratic toward men when the work group was female dominated (Konrad, Winter, and Gutek, 1992). The authors note that previous studies have relied on information that was gathered in environments where there were very few instances of female presence (p. 194). The issue of female underrepresentation in the work groups has also been a concern for feminists and researchers for a number of years (Syed and Murray, 2008) (Francoeur et al. 2008). The authors extend this hypothesis to include environments that are male dominated, female dominated, exclusively male or female, and a balanced number of men and women. By adding these other factors the study has not only separated itself from previous research, but enabled the examination of the issue of group sex diversity from various angles while avoiding a focus on similarity-attraction predictions. Chatman and O’Reilly put forth a study using deductive reasoning and a set of hypotheses that examine the relationship of men and women to the gender proportion of their work groups. The authors begin the study by examining general observations about gender in the work groups and go on to narrow their observations and previous research into a set of hypotheses. The first, hypothesis 1, is concerned with male and female preference for inclusion in higher status work groups and secondly, hypothesis 2a proposes that men and women in groups that are dominated by their own gender will be more committed to the organization. In addition those in groups that are dominated by their own gender will express a higher positive affect as proposed in hypothesis 2b. Lastly hypothesis 2c suggests that those in groups where their own gender is dominate will believe those groups are more cooperating than groups dominated by the opposite sex (p. 196). The authors conducted a quantitative study examining 189 professionals of both genders who were surveyed about their beliefs

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Explicit Sexualization Of Both Men And Women Media Essay

Explicit Sexualization Of Both Men And Women Media Essay It is quite evident that gender, sexuality and advertising are all directly linked with one another.7 Marketing minds have finally realized that sex sells. Advertisements in mainstream magazines have increasingly relied on explicit sexualization of both men and women to sell products. Ads sell a great deal more than products.    They sell values, images, and concepts of success of worth, love and sexuality, popularity, and normalcy.    They tell us who we are and who we should be.    Sometimes they sell addictionsThey provide impossible body images for women to strive towards, and sadly, many women do The female body is repeatedly objectified in advertising, and whenever a human is turned into a thing, violence is going to follow.    Rapes and beatings often result from the dehumanization of women Slide 2 In this advertisement for Calvin Klein Jeans, the female model is depicted lying on vacant beach. This type of advertisement creates many troubled stereotypes and ideologies for our modern day society. This image can be critically evaluated using Goffmans (1979) model of gender advertising. Goffman claims that image advertisements often place women in subordinate positions.   He also discusses a set of codes called, ritualization of subordination.   This concept addresses the physical position of a woman in an advertisement. Women are often seen on their side or lying on their back.   What is Calvin Klein selling in this advertisement? This is a clavin klein jeans addà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ It conveys a lot of message to the consumersà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦. The woman is lying on her back. All you need is the touch that transforms the gender oppressive product into a gender celebratory productà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ You can see the main focus in this add is Brad Pitt and not the watchà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ As he is wearing the watch his fans would think that he wears such kind of watches which is not true because he is just advertising for it and this causes people to buy this watch. Its like cheating on the people and the fans and misleading the consumers. Play station 2 What better way to sell one of the hottest video game machines around than sex?http://www.americaninventorspot.com/files/images/Play_Station_Two_Sexy_Woman.jpg There is no image of PS2 ( the good which they are trying to sell ). The female in the picture is source of attraction to the consumer to buy this product. The product is a gaming console mainly for the young people who can easily be distracted through such ads. Slide 3 Figures 1 and 2 use the same approach of photographic imagery of the sea and shore, the colours blue and white associate with water hence the fragrance name Cool Water and the text for the advert. Figure 1 shows an attractive, confident female model passive on the shore resting her head on a rock and gazing at the reader. Figure 2 shows a muscular male model in water, who is active (splashing water) and seems he has just jumped out of the water. Although the adverts appear to be similar on the surface, the adverts have been gendered to send a clear message to the desired reader. The message from Cool Water for Women clearly states that as a woman, this product will make you look and feel fresh, cool, relaxed and confident, so confident that you do not need to wear anything else but the fragrance. This plays on the ideology that most women do not have the self confidence to show their body but using this product will restore that confidence. The Cool Water for Men implies that not only will the product make you as a man, feel cool and fresh, but it will give you full of energy so that you ready for any action. This aggressive targeting has mainly had an impact on women more than men as they have become extremely self conscious, and research proves that women spend more money on looking good than men. Billions of Pounds are circulated each year in the beauty industry alone. Men dream of being James Bond or aspire to his charisma, and those who see him as a role model will copy his image. Advertisers have emphasised that Omega is James Bonds choice of wrist watch brand, and the advert states that Omega is the sign of excellence; connotating that James Bond only wears the best and so should you. It plays on mens desire of becoming a hero as we see a scene from a Bond film in the background explosion in the air. The message is very clear; men who wear the watch can relate to James Bond, become suave, sophisticated, and successful. In contrast, figure 4 demonstrates that women are more laid back, and prefer indoor events. The indoor dà ©cor in the background resembles a sophisticated, upper class restaurant. The advert emphasises that this gold, slim Omega watch, is Cindy Crawfords choice. She is wearing a red dress associated with the lady in red (attractive). Her watch is worn as part of her outfit, almost as if it is gold jewellery. The message conveyed here is as if Cindy is speaking out to the reader saying, look at what Im wearing. She appears to be wealthy and attractive and is urging women that it is a must have piece of jewellery that will make you look like a million dollars. It is clear from the above examples that men and women are targeted according to their social beliefs and attitudes towards their self perception brought on by advertisers and society, enforcing them to adopt certain buying behaviours to influence purchasing decisions. These certain methods have had negative impact on women than men as we are aware that women appear more emotional and unconfident in contrast to men. Women are increasingly concerned with their physical appearance due to the pressure of looking good by society. Klein is not alone in his use of controversial images in advertising. After all, the whole point of advertising has always been to attract attention, and fashion advertising is notorious for its exploitative use of young men and women. But one senses that there is a new conservatism among consumers, who are fed up with X-rated images hawking everything from beer to video games. In continuing to push the envelope, designers like Klein may find that they have pushed the patience of their consumers too far. A possible backlash to this campaign occurred in 1999, when Klein launched an ad campaign for his childrens underwear line. The campaign involved three different photos, two depicting two little boys playing on a sofa and clad only in CK underpants and the third depicting two little girls playing on a sofa and clad only in CK undergarments. These images appeared as full page ads in the New York Post and prominent magazines, and as a huge billboard in Manhattans Times Square. Due to public furore, these ads were pulled 24 hours later. A Calvin Klein spokesperson claimed that these ads were intended to capture the same warmth and spontaneity that you find in a family snapshot. The general public disagreed, with numerous experts citing that these ads were pornographic because they featured high definition, sexualized images of young children. In many cases, those who were against the ads cited Kleins previous track record as sufficient proof that these images were exploitative. Chocolate man ad too sexy for Indian audience A deodorant advert that showed an apparently irresistible chocolate man being gnawed on by scantily clad women has been banned in India. An advertising executive in the country explains why it was so offensive. The Indian blogosphere is having a tantrum over the decision to withdraw a commercial for Axe Dark Temptation deodorants for men, which are flavoured with a hint of chocolate. Created by Argentinean advertisers and aired on Indian television, the ad shows crowds of attractive young women nibbling and licking at a young man wearing the deodorant. Although parts of the clip had already been censored to appease the regional audience, the Advertising Standards Council of India (ASCI) received so many complaints about the ad that they decided to remove it. It follows a collection of commercials flaunting, amongst other things, sexy underwear and flavoured condoms, which have been taken off air or censored for being indecent, vulgar and repulsive. Slide 4 This slide includes the knowledge issue. Through these real life examples we came up with knowledge issue which says To what extent is the use of sexuality in advertisements ethical? There are different opinions of people and different ways of knowing. Reason Emotion Perception Language Reason Money Better profits and sales Brand name To attract consumers More knowledge issues What responsibility, if any, does a company have for honestly educating the consumer about its product? Should advertisers be allowed to suggest that a product will make a person more sexy/interesting/beautiful/successful/etc? Is it ethical to use celebrities to sell products they probably dont even use themselves? Is it the buyers responsibility to be aware of these strategies and not allow them to manipulate their emotions? Language Communicating a message Cause Influence purchasing behavior thought patterns Effect Persuasive Informative Enabler Language is the key criteria for effectiveness of these three aspects. Message must be communicated in a language which is comfortable to the audience and influence them in a positive manner. At the same time it will be more effective if the communication is persuasive and informative. Language to be used in an advertisement should be determined based on the product and the user group  for the product. For instance, advertisement for a luxury good should be publicized in English whereas same for a necessity is preferred to be done in local language for greater communicability and mass reach. Two Indian Americans, Aradhna Krishna and Rohini Ahluwalia of University of Michigan and Minnesota, respectively, examined the role of language in advertising in India. Their results indicate that multinationals marketing products, among bilingual populations, should pay special attention to language. They determined how the language hits viewers mind in relation to a product category. This happens as different products have different user groups. They found that participants perceptions of advertisements changes significantly when different languages are used.   While Hindi is associated with belongingness (close, personal, friendly, family), English is associated with sophistication (global, cosmopolitan, urban, upper class), they wrote. They found that whereas detergents can be advertised effectively in Hindi, English is preferred for Luxury items like chocolates. Airtel, Coca Cola, Fevicol are some of the brands which advertise in local language in two and three tier cities. But as far as Cadbury is concerned, they prefer Hindi or mixed language. The researchers also found that people responds favorably to mixed-language advertising. A classic example for mixed-language advertisement can be that of Frooti the first tetra pack fruit juice of India by Parle Agro Foods. They use the jingle Mango frooti, fresh-n-juicy with their Hindi advertisement effectively. Whereas use of Bengali language by all major advertisers for their products during Durga Pooja in Kolkata (rather whole Bengal) can be an example for use of local language to influence masses. History of Women in Television Advertisements (AOK) There are many different stereotypes of women in advertising. Throughout history there have been many studies that proved women were mainly portrayed on television advertisements as housewives or occupations that are subservient to men. Studies also show the disproportional ratio of women to men in TV advertisements. In the 70s, it was reported that women were found on camera only 21 % of the time. Allan and Coltrane conducted a study that showed inversely, in the 80s female appearance on TV advertisement were 5.8% less compared to the 50s! (Pierce, 1999) In 1996, the Kaiser Family Foundation and Children Now calculated that women were on camera 42 percent of the time. Though this was an increase percentage wise from previous decades, gender inequalities still are rampant. This fact is proved a study conducted by Professors Daniel J. Bretl and Joanne Cantor of the University of Wisconsin (1995) which found that 90% of voice-overs used in advertisements were male, despite some of the products were aimed predominantly to females. Effects of Advertising on Women Advertising has many effects on society as a whole. As a result of not being in as many commercials, at very young ages boys and girls conclude that girls are valued less than boys. The commercials that females are mostly in are ones that portray them as them and thin and beautiful while some how also being subservient to men. The negative effects of advertising on women fall into a huge range of problems. The most common would affect be the constant increase of womens struggles with dieting and eating disorders. As, Wilson and Blackhurst point out, à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦fifty-six percent of all women are on diets (Pipher, 1995) à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦and eighty percent of girls have dieted by the time they reach eighteen (Brown, 1993). Unfortunately as girls were raised, they were always taught to be submissive and dainty. It almost seemed like they are told their opinions dont matter and that they should just sit there look pretty or be fragile like glass dolls. Many ads use this to their advanta ge. They make girls think that the only thing they should do is work on their appearance, because their opinions dont matter. This results in several girls falling into depression or developing eating disorders. The inner struggles of keeping the pain in cause some girls to want to commit suicide before wanting to be fat. A Charlotte, N.C. real estate firm says business is booming, thanks to their sexy new marketing plan that involves hiring models to pose in listings photos of luxury homes. During the boom years of 2006 and 2007, Peters and Associates Real Estate was the No.1 seller of high-end homes in the Charlotte region. Then the market crashed and real estate sales dried up for most of 2008 and 2009. Peters and Associates owners Nick and Miriam Peters then decided to spice up their marketing and have been having tremendous success ever since. The couple creates an image by spending thousands of dollars on clothing and cars; and they photograph their listings with sexy, attractive people. Peters caters to high-profile and high-net-worth individuals, such as professional athletes, coaches, entertainers, executives and other VIPs. These clients are looking for a lifestyle and amenities much different from the average homebuyer. The buying experience for Peters clients begins with being picked up at the airport in an exotic car and then whisked to a luxurious spa for a relaxing day of pampering, or to a private club for a round of golf. Once they are totally refreshed, they are ready to tour homes. How effective is the campaign? Peters did a controlled online test, with one listing showing the typical real estate pictures. Visitors to that listing stayed an average of 40 to 60 seconds. Visitors to the listing with lifestyle photos stayed an average of 4 to 6 minutes. Statistics suggest that the more time a potential buyer spends looking at a listing, the more likely they are to request a showing. Peters listings used to get three to four clicks a week, and now they get 10 to 20 a day.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

History Of Birth Control :: Contraceptives, Birth Control Essays

History of Birth Control Although birth control has been practiced since ancient times, the first organized efforts developed during the 19th century as population increased dramatically because of improved medical care, nutrition, and sanitation. However, birth control met with resistance. In 1873 the United States Congress enacted the Comstock Law, which prohibited the distribution of birth-control devices and information. During the early 1900s, American nurse Margaret Sanger led the birth-control movement in the United States. She and others opened clinics to provide women with information and devices. Although frequently jailed, she and her followers were instrumental in getting laws changed. In subsequent years, laws against birth control gradually weakened, and more effective methods were developed. Now a days there are several different methods of birth control. The first that I am going to talk about is called the rhythm method. As its synonym implies, this method is based on the assumption that, for each women, there is a rhythmic pattern of menstruation and ovulation that can be identified by keeping a careful record of the dates of menstruation. A second assumption is that ovulation occurs 14 days before the onset of the next menstruation. The rhythm method is the most commonly used of the natural methods. To be used successfully a record should be kept for at least six menstrual cycles. The fertile period is then defined by a set of rules for example: The length of the shortest cycle less 18 days marking the start of the fertile period and the length of the longest cycle less 11 days marking the end of the fertile period. This is the only birth control method that has received the Catholic Church’s seal of approval. The next natural way of avoiding the use of contraceptives is called the Basal body temperature method. In a normal, ovulatory cycle the temperature of the body measured on awakening, called the basal state, rises by 0.2C to 0.5C during two or three days following ovulation. This rise is defined as one in which three consecutive daily temperatures are at least 0.2C higher than the six daily temperatures preceding the shift. This rise reflect the secretion of progesterone from the corpus luteum. The unplanned pregnancy rate of this method is about 11.

Monday, November 11, 2019

The Return: Shadow Souls Chapter 7

Elena woke to the sound of Damon impatiently rapping on the window of the Prius. She was fully clothed, clutching her diary to her. It was the day after Matt had left them. â€Å"Did you sleep all night like that?† Damon asked, looking her up and down as Elena rubbed her eyes. As usual, he was immaculately dressed: all in black, of course. Heat and humidity had no effect on him. â€Å"I've had my breakfast,† he said shortly, getting in the driver's seat. â€Å"And I brought you this.† This was a styrofoam cup of steaming coffee, which Elena clutched as gratefully as if it were Black Magic wine, and a brown paper bag that proved to contain donuts. Not exactly the most nutritious breakfast, but Elena craved the caffeine and sugar. â€Å"I need a rest stop,† Elena warned as Damon coolly seated himself behind the wheel and started the car. â€Å"To change my clothes and wash my face and things.† They headed directly west, which accorded with what Elena had found by looking at a map on the Internet last night. The small image on her mobile phone matched the Prius's navigation system readout. They had both shown that Sedona, Arizona, lay on an almost perfectly straight horizontal line from the small rural road where Damon had parked overnight in Arkansas. But soon Damon was turning south, taking a roundabout route of his own that might or might not confuse any pursuers. By the time they found a rest stop, Elena's bladder was about to burst. She spent an unashamed half hour in the women's room, doing her best to wash with paper towels and cold water, brushing her hair, and changing into new jeans and a fresh white top that laced up the front like a corset. After all, one of these days she just might have another out of body experience while napping and see Stefan again. What she didn't want to think about was that with Matt's departure, she was left alone with Damon, an untamed vampire, traveling through the middle of the United States toward a destination that was literally out of this world. When Elena finally emerged from the restroom, Damon was cold and expressionless – although she noticed that he took the time to look her over just the same. Oh, damn, Elena thought. I left my diary in the car. She was as certain that he'd read it as if she'd seen him doing it, and she was glad that there was nothing in it about leaving her body and finding Stefan. Although she believed Damon wanted to free Stefan, too – she wouldn't be in this car with him if she didn't – she also felt that it was better that he didn't know she had gotten there first. Damon enjoyed being in charge of things as much as she did. He also enjoyed Influencing each police officer who pulled him over for blasting the speed limit. But today he was short-tempered even by his own standards. Elena knew from firsthand experience that Damon could make himself remarkably good company when he chose, telling outrageous stories and jokes until the most prejudiced and taciturn of passengers would laugh in spite of themselves. But today he wouldn't even reply to Elena's questions, much less laugh at her own jokes. The one time she tried to make physical contact, touching his arm lightly, he jerked away as if her touch might ruin his black leather jacket. Fine, terrific, Elena thought, depressed. She leaned her head against the window and stared at the scenery, which all looked alike. Her mind wandered. Where was Matt now? Ahead of them or behind? Had he gotten any rest last night? Was he driving through Texas now? Was he eating properly? Elena blinked away tears, which welled up whenever she remembered the way he had walked away from her without a backward look. Elena was a manager. She could make almost any situation turn out okay, as long as the people around her were normal, sane beings. And managing boys was her speciality. She'd been handling them – steering them – since junior high. But now, approximately two and a half weeks since she had come back from death, from some spirit world that she didn't remember, she didn't want to steer anyone. That was what she loved about Stefan. Once she'd gotten past his reflexive instinct to keep away from anything he cherished, she didn't need to manage him at all. He was maintenance-free, except for the gentlest of hints that she'd turned herself into an expert on vampires. Not at hunting them or slaying them, but at loving them safely. Elena knew when it was right to bite or be bitten, and when to stop, and how to keep herself human. But apart from those gentle hints, she didn't even want to manage Stefan. She wanted simply to be with him. After that, everything took care of itself. Elena could live without Stefan – she thought. But just as being away from Meredith and Bonnie was like living without her two hands, living without Stefan would be like trying to live without her heart. He was her partner in the Great Dance; her equal and her opposite; her beloved and her lover in the purest sense imaginable. He was the other half of the Sacred Mysteries of Life to her. And after seeing him last night, even if it had been a dream, which she wasn't willing to accept, Elena missed him so much that it was a throbbing pain inside her. A pain so great that she couldn't bear to just sit and dwell on it. If she did she might just go insane and start raving at Damon to drive faster – and Elena might hurt inside, but she wasn't suicidal. They stopped at some nameless town for lunch. Elena had no appetite, but Damon spent the entire break as a bird, which for some reason infuriated her. By the time they were driving again, the tension in the car had built until the old clich was impossible to avoid: you could cut it with a folded napkin, much less a knife, Elena thought. That was when she realized exactly what kind of tension it was. The one thing that was saving Damon was his pride. He knew that Elena had things figured out. She'd stopped trying to touch him or even speak to him. And that was good. He wasn't supposed to be feeling like this. Vampires wanted girls for their pretty white throats, and Damon's sense of esthetics demanded that the rest of the donor be at least up to his standards. But now even Elena's human-sized aura was advertising the unique life-force in her blood. And Damon's response was involuntary. He had not even thought about a girl in this way for approximately five hundred years. Vampires weren't capable of it. But Damon was – very capable – now. And the closer he got to Elena, the stronger her aura was around him, and the weaker was his control. Thank all the little demons in hell, his pride was stronger than the desire he felt. Damon had never asked for anything from anyone in his life. He paid for the blood he took from humans in his own particular coin: of pleasure and fantasy and dreams. But Elena didn't need fantasy; didn't want dreams. Didn't want him. She wanted Stefan. And Damon's pride would never allow him to ask Elena for what he alone desired, and equally it would never allow him to take it without her consent†¦he hoped. Just a few days ago he had been an empty shell, his body a puppet of the kitsune twins, who had made him hurt Elena in ways that now made him cringe inside. Damon hadn't existed then as a personality, but his body had been Shinichi's to play with. And although he scarcely could believe it, the takeover had been so complete that his shell had obeyed Shinichi's every command: he had tormented Elena; he might well have killed her. There was no point in disbelieving it; or saying that it couldn't be true. It was true. It had happened. Shinichi was that much stronger when it came to mind control, and the kitsune had none of the vampires' detachment about pretty girls – below the neck. Besides which, he happened to be a sadist. He liked pain – other people's, that is. Damon couldn't deny the past, couldn't wonder why he hadn't â€Å"awakened† to stop Shinichi from hurting Elena. There had been nothing of him to awaken. And if a solitary part of his mind still wept because of the evil he had done – well, Damon was good at blocking it out. He wouldn't waste time over regrets, but he was intent on controlling the future. It would never happen again – not and leave him still alive. What Damon really couldn't understand was why Elena was pushing him. Acting as if she trusted him. Of all the people in the world, she was the one with the most right to hate him, to point an accusing finger at him. But she had never once done that. She had never even looked at him with anger in her dark blue, gold-spattered eyes. She alone had seemed to understand that someone as completely possessed by the master of the malach, Shinichi, as Damon had been, simply had no choice – wasn't there to make a choice – in what he or she did. Maybe it was because she'd pulled the thing the malach had created out of him. The pulsating, albino, second body that had been inside him. Damon forced himself to repress a shudder. He only knew this because Shinichi had jovially mentioned it, while taking away all Damon's memories of the time since the two of them, kitsune and vampire, had met in the Old Wood. Damon was glad to have had the memories gone. From the moment he had locked gazes with the fox spirit's laughing golden eyes, his life had been poisoned. And now†¦right now he was alone with Elena, in the middle of the wilderness, with towns few and far between. They were utterly, uniquely alone, with Damon helplessly wanting from Elena what every human boy she'd ever encountered had wanted. Worst of all was the fact that charming girls, deceiving girls, was practically Damon's own raison d'tre. It was certainly the only reason he'd been able to keep on living for the past half millennium. And yet he knew that he must not, must not even start the process with this one girl who, to him, was the jewel lying on the dungheap of humanity. To all appearances, he was perfectly in control, icy and precise, distant and disinterested. The truth was that he was going out of his mind. That night, after making sure that Elena had food and water and was safely locked into the Prius, Damon called down a damp fog and began to weave his darkest wards. These were announcements to any sisters or brothers of the night who might come upon the car that the girl inside it was under Damon's protection; and that Damon would hunt down and flay alive anyone who even disturbed the girl's rest†¦and then he'd get around to really punishing the culprit. Damon then flew a few miles south as a crow, found a dive with a pack of werewolves drinking in it and a few charming barmaids serving them, and brawled and bled the night away. But it wasn't enough to distract him – not nearly enough. In the morning, returning early, he saw the wards around the car in tatters. Before he could panic, he realized that Elena had broken them from the inside. There had been no warning to him because of her peaceful intent and innocent heart. And then Elena herself appeared, coming up the bank of a stream, looking clean and refreshed. Damon was stricken speechless by the very sight of her. By her grace, by her beauty, by the unbearable closeness of her. He could smell her freshly washed skin, and couldn't help deliberately breathing in more and more of her unique fragrance. He didn't see how he could put up with another day of this. And then Damon suddenly had an Idea. â€Å"Would you like to learn something that would help you to control that aura of yours?† he asked as she passed him, heading for the car. Elena threw him a sidelong glance. â€Å"So you've decided to talk to me again. Am I supposed to faint with joy?† â€Å"Well – that would always be appreciated – â€Å" â€Å"Would it?† she said sharply, and Damon realized that he had underestimated the storm he had brewed inside this formidable girl. â€Å"No. Now, I'm being serious,† he said, fixing his dark gaze on her. â€Å"I know. You're going to tell me to become a vampire to help control my Power.† â€Å"No, no, no. This has nothing to do with being a vampire.† Damon refused to be drawn into an argument and that must have impressed Elena, because finally she said, â€Å"What is it, then?† â€Å"It's learning how to circulate your Power. Blood circulates, yes? And Power can be circulated, too. Even humans have known that for centuries, whether they call it life-force or chi or ki. As it is, you're simply dissipating your Power into the air. That's an aura. But if you learn to circulate it, you can build it up for some really big release, and you can be more inconspicuous as well.† Elena was clearly fascinated. â€Å"Why didn't you tell me before?† Because I'm stupid, Damon thought. Because to vampires it's as instinctive as breathing is to you. He lied unblushingly. â€Å"It takes a certain level of competence to accomplish.† â€Å"And I can do it now?† â€Å"I think so.† Damon put slight uncertainty in his voice. Naturally, this made Elena even more determined. â€Å"Show me!† she said. â€Å"You mean right now?† He glanced around. â€Å"Someone might drive by – â€Å" â€Å"We're off the road. Oh, please, Damon? Please?† Elena looked at Damon with the huge blue eyes that altogether too many males had found irresistible. She touched his arm, trying once more to make some kind of contact, but when he automatically drew away, she continued, â€Å"I really do want to learn. You can teach me. Just show me once, and I'll practice.† Damon glanced down at his arm, felt his good sense and his will wavering. How does she do that? â€Å"All right.† He sighed. There were at least three or four billion people on this dust mote of a planet that would give anything to be with this warm and eager, yearning Elena Gilbert. The problem was that he happened to be one of them – and that she clearly didn't give a damn for him. Of course not. She had dear Stefan. Well, he would see if his princess was still the same when – if – she managed to free Stefan and get out of their destination alive. Meanwhile, Damon concentrated on keeping his voice, face, and aura all dispassionate. He'd had some practice at that. Only five centuries' worth, but it added up. â€Å"First I have to find the place,† he told her, hearing the lack of warmth in his voice, the tone that was not merely dispassionate but actually cold. Elena's expression didn't flicker. She could be dispassionate, too. Even her deep blue eyes seemed to have taken on a frosty glint. â€Å"All right. Where is it?† â€Å"Near where the heart is, but more to the left. He touched Elena's sternum, and then moved his fingers to the left. Elena fought back both tension and a shiver – he could see it. Damon was probing for the place where the flesh became soft over bone, the place most humans assumed their heart was because it was where they could feel their heart beating. It should be right around†¦here†¦. â€Å"Now, I'll run your Power through one or two circulations, and when you can do it by yourself – that's when you'll be ready to really conceal your aura.† â€Å"But how will I know?† â€Å"You'll know, believe me.† He didn't want her to ask questions, so he simply held up one hand in front of her – not touching her flesh or even her clothing – and brought her life-force in synchronization with his. There. Now, to set the process off. He knew what it would feel like to Elena: an electric shock, starting at the point where he had first touched her and quickly spreading warmth through her body. Then, a rapid montage of sensations as he went through a practice rotation or two with her. Up toward him, to her eyes and ears, where she would suddenly find she could see and hear much better, then down her spine and out to her fingertips, while her heartbeat quickened and she felt something like electricity in her palms. Back up her arm and down the side of her body, at which point a tremor would set in. Finally, the energy would sweep down her magnificent leg all the way to her feet, where she would feel it in her soles, curling her toes, before coming back around to where it had started near her heart. Damon heard Elena gasp faintly when the shock first hit her, and then felt her heartbeat race and her eyelashes flicker as the world suddenly became much lighter to her; her pupils dilating as if she were in love, her body going rigid at the tiny sound of some rodent in the grass – a sound she would never have heard without Power directed to her ears. And so, all around her body, once, and then again, so she could get a feel for the process. Then he let her go. Elena was panting and exhausted; and he'd been the one expending energy. â€Å"I'll never – be able – to do that alone,† she gasped. â€Å"Yes, you will, in time and with practice. And when you can do it, you'll be able to control all your Power.† â€Å"If you†¦say so.† Elena's eyes were shut now, her lashes dark crescents on her cheeks. It was clear that she'd been pushed to her limit. Damon felt the temptation to draw her to him, but suppressed it. Elena had made it clear that she didn't want him embracing her. I wonder just how many boys she didn't push away, Damon thought abruptly, bitterly. That surprised him a little, the bitterness. Why should he care how many boys had handled Elena? When he made her his Princess of Darkness, they would both go hunting for human prey – sometimes together, sometimes alone. He wouldn't be jealous of her then. Why should he care how many romantic encounters she'd had now? But he found that he was bitter, bitter and angry enough that he answered without warmth, â€Å"I do say you will. Just practice doing it alone.† In the car, Damon managed to stay annoyed with Elena. This was difficult, as she was a perfect traveling companion. She didn't chatter, didn't try to hum or – thank fortune – sing along with the radio, didn't chew gum or smoke, didn't backseat drive, didn't need too many rest stops, and never asked â€Å"Are we there yet?† As a matter of fact, it was difficult for anyone, male or female, to stay annoyed at Elena Gilbert for any length of time. You couldn't say she was too exuberant, like Bonnie, or too serene, like Meredith. Elena was just sweet enough to offset her bright, active, ever-scheming mind. She was just compassionate enough to make up for her self-confessed egotism, and just skewed enough to ensure that no one would ever call her normal. She was intensely loyal to her friends and just forgiving enough that she herself considered almost no one an enemy – kitsune and Old Ones of the vampire kind excepted. She was honest and frank and loving, and of course she had a dark streak in her that her friends simply called wild, but that Damon recognized for what it really was. It compensated for the naà ¯ve, soft, ingenuous side of her nature. Damon was very sure that he didn't need any of those qualities in her, especially right now. Oh, yes†¦and Elena Gilbert was just gorgeous enough to make any of her negative characteristics completely irrelevant. But Damon was determined to be annoyed and he was strong-willed enough that he could usually choose his mood and stick to it, appropriate or not. He ignored all of Elena's attempts at conversation, and eventually she gave up trying to make them. He kept his mind pinned to the dozens of boys and men whom the exquisite girl beside him must have bedded. He knew that Elena, Caroline, and Meredith had been the â€Å"senior† members of the quartet when they had all been friends, while little Bonnie had been the youngest and had been considered a bit too naà ¯ve to be fully initiated. So why was he with Elena now? he found himself asking sourly, wondering for just the slightest second if Shinichi was manipulating him as well as taking his memories. Did Stefan ever worry about her past – especially with an old boyfriend – Mutt – still hanging around, willing to give his very life for her? Stefan must not, or he'd have put a stop – no, how could Stefan put a stop to anything Elena wanted to do? Damon had seen the clash of their wills, even when Elena had been a child mentally just after returning from the afterlife. When it came to Stefan and Elena's relationship, Elena was definitely in control. As humans said: She wore the trousers in the family. Well, soon enough she could see how she liked wearing harem trousers, Damon thought, laughing silently, although his mood was darker than ever. The sky over the car darkened further in response, and wind ripped summer leaves from branches before their time. Cat's paws of rain dotted the windshield, and then came the flash of lightning and the echoing sound of thunder. Elena jumped slightly, involuntarily, every time the thunder let loose. Damon watched this with grim satisfaction. He knew she knew that he could control the weather. Neither of them said a single word about it. She won't beg, he thought, feeling that quick savage pride in her again and then feeling annoyance with himself for being so soft. They passed a motel, and Elena followed the blurry electric signs with her eyes, looking over her shoulder until it was lost in darkness. Damon didn't want to stop driving. Didn't dare stop, really. They were headed into a really nasty storm now, and occasionally the Prius hydroplaned, but Damon managed to keep it under control – barely. He enjoyed driving in these conditions. It was only when a sign proclaimed that the next place of shelter was over a hundred miles away that Damon, without consulting Elena, swung into a flooding driveway and stopped the car. The clouds had let loose by then; the rain was coming down in bucketfuls; and the room Damon got was a small outbuilding, separated from the main motel. The solitude suited Damon just fine.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Sucide Rates Still Rising essays

Sucide Rates Still Rising essays Committing suicide should not be the answer to solving life's harsh problems as a teenager. Although you may be fundamentally unstable, there are many other ways to reduce stress or to help depression. Clinically depressed adolescents are five times more likely to attempt suicide that their non-depressed peers, according to a 15-year study that tracked 73 percent depressed adolescents and compared them with peers who were not clinically depressed. Being depressed is not a reasonable excuse to want to kill yourself. But on the other hand, a person with an extreme amount of so-called "problems" would think otherwise. If a teenager has access to a gun and/or is depressed of course the thought of shooting themselves in the head will run through their mind. Teenagers feel the need to take risks and they constantly see violence on television. A lot of the times, parents seem to have a strong effect on a teenagers suicidal thoughts. The pressure to get grades and the breakdown of a traditional family contribute to suicide. But will killing yourself be the answer. In the past few decades, suicide rates among 10-14 year olds have nearly doubled say federal statisticians. Also for every one teenager who commits suicide, 100 more will try and every year, one in 13 high school students attempts suicide, a 1997 funded Youth Risk Behavior survey found. This basically says that at least one student per classroom will attempt to kill themselves for thoughtless reasons. Never does a teenager take into account that death is final, they see suicide as an end of their problems rather than existence. There are many other alternatives to suicide if you really have that many problems. You could just as easily pick up a phone and get help as you could pick up a gun and shoot yourself. It's just a matter of thinking through the situation rather that acting on ...

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Free Essays on Raymond Carvers The Neighbors

Critical Essay Raymond Carver’s 1988 short story â€Å"Neighbors† displays a sure administration of theme, character, and setting. It is the tale of a seemingly typical couple, Bill and Arlene Miller, who intermittently turn the apartment of their out-of-town neighbors, the Stones, into a psychosexual playground. Insidiously at first, then with unrestraint, the house-sitters invade the Stones’ privacy: cross-dressing in their clothes, consuming drinks from their liquor cabinet, and extricating photographs that promise tantalizing thrills. Impassioned, the Millers’ make what promises to be a compelling visit to the Stones’ apartment – only to discover that Arlene has locked the key inside. Abruptly restricted from their fallen rapture, the couple huddles outside the door, feeling an ailing wind. In the exposition, Bill and Arlene are portrayed as an average married couple, living their normal everyday lives. They do not appear to have any complaints about how their lives are operating except for the fact that they â€Å"had been passed by somehow, leaving Bill to attend to his bookkeeping duties and Arlene occupied with secretarial chores† (59). The Millers’ are envious of other couples that seem to exist synonymously with them but still have a little more recreation in their relationships. By asking the couple to house-sit, the Stones’ open a new realm of fantasy for the Millers’ predictable lives by allowing them to envision themselves as characters that are different than what they have grown to be. Bill becomes deeply involved with this illusion, finding himself obsessed with the other apartment. He calls out of work and goes for a walk but does not feel adequate until he stops â€Å"at the Stones’ door on the chance he might he ar the cat moving about† (60). This depicts that he has become so infatuated with his secret life that he becomes almost climactic over the smallest details. The neighborsï ¿ ½... Free Essays on Raymond Carvers The Neighbors Free Essays on Raymond Carvers The Neighbors Critical Essay Raymond Carver’s 1988 short story â€Å"Neighbors† displays a sure administration of theme, character, and setting. It is the tale of a seemingly typical couple, Bill and Arlene Miller, who intermittently turn the apartment of their out-of-town neighbors, the Stones, into a psychosexual playground. Insidiously at first, then with unrestraint, the house-sitters invade the Stones’ privacy: cross-dressing in their clothes, consuming drinks from their liquor cabinet, and extricating photographs that promise tantalizing thrills. Impassioned, the Millers’ make what promises to be a compelling visit to the Stones’ apartment – only to discover that Arlene has locked the key inside. Abruptly restricted from their fallen rapture, the couple huddles outside the door, feeling an ailing wind. In the exposition, Bill and Arlene are portrayed as an average married couple, living their normal everyday lives. They do not appear to have any complaints about how their lives are operating except for the fact that they â€Å"had been passed by somehow, leaving Bill to attend to his bookkeeping duties and Arlene occupied with secretarial chores† (59). The Millers’ are envious of other couples that seem to exist synonymously with them but still have a little more recreation in their relationships. By asking the couple to house-sit, the Stones’ open a new realm of fantasy for the Millers’ predictable lives by allowing them to envision themselves as characters that are different than what they have grown to be. Bill becomes deeply involved with this illusion, finding himself obsessed with the other apartment. He calls out of work and goes for a walk but does not feel adequate until he stops â€Å"at the Stones’ door on the chance he might he ar the cat moving about† (60). This depicts that he has become so infatuated with his secret life that he becomes almost climactic over the smallest details. The neighborsï ¿ ½...

Monday, November 4, 2019

Exegetical Project Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Exegetical Project - Essay Example In Mathew and Mark, Jesus is anointed in the house of Simon Peter the leper. As he sat at a table, a woman came with an alabaster flask containing expensive spikenard oil. She broke it and poured the oil on Jesus’ head. The people around criticized this action as the oil could have been sold for three hundred denarii and given to the poor (Ehrman, 2004). However, Jesus defended her saying that she had done a good work. He says, â€Å"For you have the poor with you always, and whenever you wish you may do them good; but Me you do not have always. She has done what she could. She has come beforehand to anoint My body for burial.† In Luke, a sinful woman anoints Jesus when he was at a Pharisees house where he had been invited for dinner. The woman leaned on Jesus’ feet with an alabaster jar of perfume. She stood behind him weeping then began to wet his feet with her tears. She wiped Jesus’ feet with her hair, kissed them then poured perfume on them. When the Pharisee saw this, he said to himself, â€Å"If this man were a prophet, he would know who is touching him and what kind of woman she is—that she is a sinner.† Jesus replied Simon by telling him the story of a moneylender. One man owed him five denarii while the other owed him fifty but he forgave them both. Then Jesus asked which of the two were happier. Simon replied that the one who was forgiven the most debt was happier. Jesus said that in the same way, â€Å"Therefore, I tell you, her many sins have been forgiven—as her great love has shown. But whoever has been forgiven little loves little† (Ehrman, 2004). In John, Six days after Passover Jesus went to Bethany where Lazarus lived whom he had raised from the dead. A dinner was set in his honor. Mary came with a pint of pure and, an expensive perfume, poured it on Jesus’ feet, and wiped his feet with her hair. However, Judas Iscariot objected saying that that perfume could have been sold and mo ney given to the poor. Jesus replied, â€Å"It was intended that she should save this perfume for the day of my burial. You will always have the poor among you, but you will not always have me.† The four bible stories have certain similarities and differences. In Mathew, Mark, and John, the anointing occurred in Bethany while in Luke the anointing occurred at an unspecified place in Pharisees house. In all the bible stories, women did the anointing. In two of the instances, the women wipe Jesus’ feet with their hair after anointing it. In the other instance, the anointing is done on Jesus’ head instead of his feet. In all the instances, the anointing is done when Jesus is honored by a meal in all the houses. The host in three of the instances was named Simon while the other was Lazarus (Ehrman, 2004). In Mathew and Mark, no specifics are given about the name of the woman in question while in Luke, the woman is described as the woman in the city, which was a sinn er. In John, the woman is Mary the sister of Martha and Lazarus. In all cases, the event took place in Bethany. In Mathew and mark, it is clear that Jesus was in Bethany while in Luke Jesus was from Capernaum and Nain which are on the way to Bethany. In John also, Lazarus lived in Bethany. In Mathew, Mark, and Luke, the alabaster box of precious ointment was used. To Mark and John, the ointment of spikenard was used. In Mathew, Mark, and John, the people around believe that the precious ointment could have been s

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Under what circumstances might short term interest rates lose their Essay

Under what circumstances might short term interest rates lose their potency as an instrument of policy control by central bank..........FULL TITLE BELOW - Essay Example One such inherent problem which dilutes the effectiveness of interest rates as a viable monetary policy instrument is a liquidity trap situation. Liquidity trap is a situation when the rate of interest falls too low to be used as a monetary policy tool. It is a situation when the nominal rate of interest becomes so close to zero so that the real rate of interest could almost be considered as negligible. The lower the rate of interest is higher is the amount of aggregate investment expected to be; but the problem in this instance is that commercial banks do not have ample funds to lend out to the investors. Hence, there are little chances of any stimulation in the aggregate level of investment and so of that of the aggregate output in the economy. Usually, the need for lowering the rate of interest arises when the nation in question is in an urgent need of financial stimulation. However, if the nominal rate of interest is already bound to zero and there is practically no room left for further depreciation, the multiplicative impact of an expansionary monetary policy goes in vain (Rabin, 2004). The LM curve diagram being depicted here shows that till the point when the rate of interest lingers above Rt, there are possibilities of the rate of interest being used as an effective expansionary monetary policy measure. However, at Rt, when the shape of the LM curve becomes almost horizontal, changes in aggregate demand for money from Ma to Mb and vice-versa, has no mushrooming impact at all. Hence, in such a situation, the stimulating power of rate of interest becomes almost zero. Quite obviously, the economy has to rely upon other measures to invigorate the financial condition in the economy and also initiate some steps to reinstate the corrective power of the rate of interest. Hence, unless there is a fall in the rate of interest there are little chances of an appreciation in the aggregate output level in the current period and

Thursday, October 31, 2019

Survey of Human Resource Management ip5 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Survey of Human Resource Management ip5 - Essay Example Selected employees must be highly qualified for the position they acquire. It is achievable through following the right recruitment procedures. Eventually, other tests such as drug and integrity tests may be of important. However, they are not very necessary. My company must be willing to adhere to the legal statues which affect the hiring and selection of employees. Many of these legal statues are outlined in the Labor Departments. Employees in the strategized new office must receive fair wages. Due to this, my company has set a fair wage for all employees according to their position in the new office. Further, they are entitled to an overtime pay once the working hours are extended. Child labor is prohibited completely in the work place too. Employees are entitled to compensation incase danger attacks them in the line of duty. Dangers include falling ill or getting hurt in the line of duty. Employees are entitled to medical care and compensation during these cases. Employees must always be guaranteed of security while working. The office must be strategized in a safe place where employees are comfortable and secure. The legal statues also are against discriminatory selection and hiring procedures. The discrimination may be based on race, tribe, color origin, sex or even religion ((Bendick, M., & Nunes, 2012). Disabled people should also not be discriminated especially in the selection process if they qualify for the post. The statues also protect the rights and the privacy of employees. Employees to be selected also have the right to form unions which would be used in the protection of their rights and in the airing of their grievances. Glory Parcel Service Company ensures that it is comfortable with all the legal statues that would affect the selection process. I, as the Chief Human Resource Officer of Glory Parcel Service Company ensure that the company is aware and abides